iTNTmap™ from MicroImages is a FREE modified Google Maps™ for viewing the 1,400,000 map and image layers published using a Web Map Service (WMS) or an Arc Internet Map Server (ArcIMS ® ). Are you interested in publishing your own geographic materials for mobile viewing? Use MicroImages’ commercial TNTserver™ to publish them for anyone to view via the Internet or a VPN. TNTserver is fully compliant with the ISO 19128-2005 specification for a WMS and can be installed on a simple Windows computer attached to your web server.
You can reposition your view of any layer by dragging or using Google’s Go To address feature. You can also use Google to get driving instructions and search for businesses close to the location of your WMS or ArcIMS view. If you go somewhere beyond the extents of the WMS or ArcIMS map or image layer you selected, you will still have the Google Maps overlay.
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