Saturday, July 11, 2009

Phone Tips

Phone Features…
1. When a call comes in, you can silence the ring by pressing the Sleep/Wake button once. To send a caller directly to voicemail press the button twice.

iPhone Keyboarding Tricks…
1. Typically apostrophes are auto suggested. In some cases like “it’s” you may mean its and therefore the iPhone will not autocorrect as you may have meant to type “its.” Below are some suggestions to resolve this when typing certain words requiring an apostrophe…
• It’s – type itsa
• He’ll – type helll
• We’ll – type welll
• We’re – type weree
• They’re – type theyrr

2. Once you use a word that doesn’t exist in the built-in dictionary the iPhone will continue to use that word when you type it. Over time if you stop using that word it will forget the spelling and remove it from the dictionary. –Roughly Drafted
3. Typing by leaving your fingers on the keyboard and only lifting when the correct letter is displayed under your finger can be helpful when you first start using the iPhone keyboard. –Roughly Drafted
4. To avoid switching back and forth between ABC and 123 you can simply move your finger to the 123 button and without lifting your finger move it to the character/number you want to add, then lift your finger –David Pogue
5. If you have a lot of text to delete hold the delete key down and it will begin deleting letter-by-letter and eventually it will delete word-by-word if you keep holding it. –Roughly Drafted
6. No need to use the shift key after typing a “.” and then a space. The iPhone will automatically place a capital letter at the beginning of the next word, after a “.” space. You can over ride this setting by going to Settings -> General -> Keyboard and turning off Auto-Capitalization – David Pogue
7. Copying text is only possible from Notes to email. You cannot copy the text from an email to another email or to Notes, if you would like. If you would like to compose an email to multiple people, but you don’t want to send it to all the recipients in the same email, compose the text in Notes then send the email to each of them by copying the text in Notes to multiple emails.

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