Another new phone from Nokia’s upcoming line-up was recently unveiled and that is Nokia 6260. The handset was spotted on the same Flickr account where Nokia’s N85, N79 and XpressMedia 5800 have also appeared. That Flickr account only existed for a few days and it’s no longer accessible, but we still have the pictures leaked there. The new 6260 is a slider that doesn’t have anything out of the ordinary when it comes to design. Even so, the phone looks pretty nice, resembling the 6220 Classic that Nokia first announced back in February. In fact, the 6260 might be the slider version of 6220 Classic.
Although there aren’t too many details about the features of this 6260, we can see it packs a 5 Megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics and flash - the same camera that 6220 Classic comes with. Aside from this, the phone has an alphanumeric keypad in the well-known Nokia style and a display of about 2.2 or 2.4 inches. This display most probably has a QVGA resolution (240 x 320 pixels) and 16 million colors, like in the case of 6220 Classic. As a supposed slider version of 6220 Classic, the 6260 should run on Simbyan and come with features that include GPS, HSDPA connectivity, Music player, FM radio, Bluetooth, email, Web browser and so on. What’s a bit weird about the new handset is that, back in 2004, Nokia has released another device named exactly the same.
Anyway, to keep away the confusions that might result from this, the Finnish company could name the new handset Nokia 6260 Slide, since it has added “Slide” to the names of other phones before. As in the case of N85, N79 and XpressMedia 5800, we don’t know for sure when Nokia will announce or release the 6260. But we know that 6220 Classic is set for a release in the third quarter of the year, hence the 6260 slider might also come at about the same time.
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